Geneva: 15 February 2022
Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) has drawn the attention of the UN general assembly on the forced disappearances and illegal detentions of Baloch political activists, poets, students, journalists, intellectuals, and human rights activists. It has also drawn the attention of the UN body on keeping people in illegal detention, inflicting inhuman torture, and then dumping their mutilated bodies in remote and desolate areas in Balochistan.
In a written statement submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council (Forty-ninth session 28 February–1 April 2022) which was submitted through Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status in the United Nations Human Rights Council, it was demanded that the gross violation of human rights in Balochistan needs immediate attention and intervention from the international community.
Text of the written statement submitted by Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status in the United Nations Human Rights Council (Forty-ninth session 28 February–1 April 2022)
G2225531 human rights situation in Balochistan